Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The House That Cleans Itself

Housework. Ugh. I'm not a naturally organized person. Don't get me wrong, I like organization, even like to organize. But taking on the clutter of four people is a little overwhelming to me. That's where "The House That Cleans Itself" comes in handy.

Mindy Starns Clark and I are like souls when it comes to housekeeping. If you think that your clutter is unmanageable, get this book! It's an easy read, and the steps she outlines in her book will transform your home into a workable, livable space. She challenges you to really open your eyes to look at your house and it's problem areas. You divide your house into "zones" and tackle one at a time. And not just the clutter, but the little things that make a difference, like cleaning doors and repairing switch plates.

I'll share before and after photos after I work through my spaces. I've only just started, and I already feel better about my home!

For more Works for Me Wednesday, head over to We Are That Family!


  1. Okay - I just had to check this out when I read "The House That Cleans Itself" - oh for that to be reality!! ;) I look forward to reading about your success.

  2. I've found that if I take a few hours a week and tackle one area we can keep our home pretty clean.
    I'm not a fan of clutter nor is my husband so we're able to pick up quickly for surprise visitors.
    Thank you for the tips.

  3. I need a house that cleans itself! Thanks for the book tip :)
